Week 3 Theme: "Emotional ME"
This week, let's focus on our emotions. It can be the way you are feeling on the day you take the photo, an emotion that you struggle with, or just an emotion that you have a great concept for. I'm going to make this easier for you, and give you a list of emotions I found as a starting point (not that you have to choose one of these)...
Simple emotions
discovery - anger
envy - no surprise - expectation
wonder - surprise - commonplace
happiness - sadness
amusement - weariness
courage - timidity - cowardice
pity - cruelty
Complex emotions
pride - modesty- shame
closeness - detachment - distance
complaint/pain - doing average - pleasure
caution - boldness - rashness
patience - mere tolerance - anger
relaxation - composure - stress
envy - goodwill
Pure emotions
fear - nervousness - security
togetherness - privacy
respect - disrespect
appreciation - envy
love - no love lost - hatred
hope - despair
confusion - being confused
hate- hatred
As always, if you would like to join The ME Project, jump in at any time, by heading over to our private Facebook page and asking to join. The more women I can get in front of the frame this year, the happier I will be!
With Love & Thanks,