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First Friday Features: Angela Ross

For a lot of women photographers, applying for CMPro is a goal. (For those of you who have no idea what that is, "CMpro is a women’s organization of professional photographers and highly skilled artists whose work demonstrates creativity, vision, and artistic and technical excellence. CMpro membership is by application only. A review board evaluates all applications and collectively decides whether to admit photographers to CMpro.") At some point in my photography journey I started thinking about applying. I was hesitant, though. The majority of my work is of one subject, my son. "Is work with only one subject interesting enough to become CMPro", I wondered. I started looking at the portfolios of women who were accepted, and came across Angela Ross's set, and realized that yes, it can be done! Angela's set consists mainly of her adorable, and very photogenic son, and she has a fun, engaging, and magical way of capturing his childhood. I've been hooked by her beautiful imagery ever since. Her work also includes senior, children, and family portraits. Go be inspired by her work HERE.

1. How would your family and friends describe you?

I hope that people think of me as nice, easy to get along with and funny. I think I should list funny first. I like funny.

2. How many children do you have, and how old are they?

I have one son, he is 5 years old, but would want you to know that he is almost 5 and a half.

3. What is the hardest part of being a mom of that many children?

Well, compared to all my friends that have more, it’s kind of like a cakewalk now. Ha! But in all honesty, I have to be his playmate a lot. I feel sad for him when we are old and he’s our sole child.

4. What does your husband do, and how did you meet?

My husband is Director of Software Development for a healthcare claims processing …. Have I lost you yet?? Basically, your standard nerd. No, really he’s actually not that nerdy – and I think a lot of people are surprised to find out he’s in software development. We actually are high school sweethearts. He hates it when I tell people that. We’ve been together 24 years and married almost 15 and we just now have a five year old. We did a lot of things backwards.

5. What makes you laugh? What makes you cry?

I love to laugh and I think british comedy makes me laugh more than anything. I appreciate physical comedy, but really like subtle comedy even more. That said, I laughed so hard at something on Tosh.0 that I almost wet the couch. We just got home from the Tournament of Roses Parade (New Year Day parade) and I may have cried a few tears there. I have no idea why! Stupid emotions. So I’m going to say that random things can make me well up.

6. What is your best physical feature? What is one that you would like to change?

People always comment on my hair, so I guess that is what I’ll say is my best. Though, some days it is my worst. Growing up, I was very aware of my big nose after some kid pointed it out. Probably around that age that you NEVER want to point out anything to any girl. But now, it doesn’t even bother me. I have much bigger fish to fry, now. Cough lose weight cough.

7. If you could change one thing about yourself or your life, what would it be?

Oh, you mean besides the weight thing?? Ha! I do try and let things roll of my back more. My husband says I pick fights with my son, but I look at it as being the parent that gets all the dirty work, so I’m trying to be better about letting it go.

8. Do you exercise? If so, what do you do and how often?

Did you read #6??? No. You know, one time in my 30’s I was in the best shape of my life, but I just don’t ever want to work that hard, again. I just feel like it takes away so much time from family or photography or life – and maybe when my son starts real school, I’ll have more time to think about working out, again. But not like I did before. I have a lot of SI joint pain – and I think running for so many years really did a number on me. I still wonder why people enjoy running.

9. If you need new clothes, where do you shop?

I LOVE to shop at a lot of trendy places. For my son. I get Old Navy. Actually, I like what I call disposable clothes for myself, it makes me feel less guilty when I want an entire new look the next season.

10. Where/How did you meet your closest friends?

Well, we aren’t religious, so all the close church friends people have, we don’t. So instead, we hit our local car club. That’s right… we are car club people. Well, not so much anymore (after having a kiddo, etc), but some of our longest, dearest adult friends are from that group. Also, kids have really opened doors for us. We have a lot of neighborhood friends that have children our son’s age… though they all might be about 10 years younger than us. I can’t decide if this makes us feel younger or older. When I mentioned loving Capt’n and Tenille when I was 4 to one and they stood there with a blank shaking of the head because they had no clue who that was. Or half of them probably never saw the original Star Wars in the theater when it came out. Oy. Do I feel sorry for them or me??

11. How many friends do you have that you could call at 3am to bail you out of jail? What did you probably do to get arrested?

I would say three. But I’m calling Caine Langford first because I fed his cat and cleaned that stinky litter box for a week.

12. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

Does living abroad count? Okay… does moving abroad when you are six months pregnant with your mother’s only grandchild count??? She was probably ready to kill me.

13. What is the one thing about yourself that you are really proud of?

I am one that gives up on something easily – I expect to be perfect right away. It’s something that has always been pointed out to me. It’s something that was pointed out to me about my son recently. Greeeeat. So, not giving up on the photography thing… that’s what I’m proudest of. My journey was a super long one, so that is even more reason for me to pat myself on the back.

You: The Photographer

1. How did you become interested in photography?

I was part of that SLR movement in the late 70s/early 80s. And by “was part of that movement” I meant my parents both were and I had to be the model. There are some awesome posed photos of me next to trees…. And maybe with a foggy vignette filter.

2. How long have you been in business?

Five years, I think. I would have to go look at when I applied for my DBA. But I really keep what I take limited and it was super limited this year. I might be enjoying my personal work a lot and experiencing client burnout. But I do want to take this one workshop…. That’s why I might have to take the occasional client.

3. If you’re in business, what job did you have before becoming a photographer?

I was in the floral industry for over 20 years. All aspects of it, too. From owning my own flower shop, to wholesale, etc. I joke that way too many of my brain cells are occupied with flowers, plants and even flower varieties. If you need to ID a flower, I’m most likely your girl.

4. What camera/lenses/camera bag do you use?

I shoot with a Nikon D800. My lens collection is: Nikon 85mm f/1.4D, Nikon 50mm, f/1.4G, Nikon 60mm macro, Sigma 28mm f/1.8 (but I have the Nikon version on order to replace it). I also have a Lensbaby edge 80. I have owned the Tokina 11-16mm. I have had several Kelly Moore bags. My current bag is an Ona (leather Capri – sorry vegans). My Ona has been my most durable bag for daily carrying.

5. Do you use Lightroom, Photoshop or both?

I’m a both user. I like LR for my clean edit and move over to PS for any cloning and some final touches because for me, the cloning tools in LR are frustrating.

6. Do you take pictures everyday?

Every single day for over two years, now. My first year was my DSLR 365 project and then the next year, I decided to focus on mobile photography, but still had a hard time letting my camera go, so picked up another DSLR 365 in August while still doing my mobile photography one.

7. What is your biggest struggle as a photographer?

Client work. I just cannot create the same thing for clients that I can create for myself. I know it’s just that you aren’t as intimate with the clients as you are your own family and I have a hard time getting to that point with people.

8. How often are you on FB/ Instagram/ Twitter/ your blog?

Too much. I need to put it down, am I right??? It’s a freaking drug.

9. How difficult would it be for you to go without screens (no phone/ iPad/ computer/ TV) for one week? One month?

Impossible. I won’t even lie and say, “Oh, I would try it for a month.” Because I won’t. I’m on the computer so much editing in the evenings that it’s there for me to look at.

10. How do you promote your photography?

Terribly. I blog some. I try and pay attention to SEO content. I am not the one you want to follow as far as marketing goes. I’ll lead you down a dead end drive.

11. Whose work are you most influenced or inspired by?

So many. I love Kate T. Parker – and loved her workshop. I love Caroline Jensen, she has really helped me find my voice in several of her workshops, especially editing. Sam Abell – who doesn’t love what he’s given us? Oh and I have a friend, Robert Strickland, that is probably my favorite food photographer. He has been specializing in Texas barbeque. I keep telling him he needs a second shooter… and a second taste-tester.

12. Have you done any personal projects? Is there anything new you are working on right now or plan to start soon?

I have a 365, just wrapped up a mobile photographer 365, Also just wrapped up on a 15 on 15th blog circle with an amazing group of ladies. I may have just signed up for a theme a week project. I’m a lover of a photo project. For real! I can finish one of those, but I can’t finish the checklist around my house. Ha!!

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