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Week 14: Silly ME

I don't take as many photos of my son as I used to for 3 reasons... 1. He's spending more time with friends and less time with me. 2. He's 9 and at the age where he really doesn't want his photo taken all that often. 3. He's been pretty patient about having a camera in his face for the past 3 years, but his patience is growing thin. He's actually shown pretty much interest in this project (for a 9 year old boy). I think he's just relieved that I found another model!

When he does agree to a shoot, I'm excited and appreciative. When I told him this week's theme was "Silly ME", and that I would love him to help me, he was on board. So, I'm dedicating this week's post to him. (I'm also posting two photos, because I love both of them too much to choose).

Dear Dylan,

Thanks again for letting me take these photos of you and I for the "Silly ME" theme. I guess you know by now how much I love taking your picture (duh), but I'm not sure you understand why. You see, I am loving watching you grow up so incredibly much, but it goes really fast, and I don't want to forget anything. I want to remember your "Nineness" - how much you love your friends and how sweet you are to them; how you still love to sit on my lap, even though your long legs and arms don't fit anymore and my legs start to go numb after a while; how the one piece of your hair in the front sticks up with a mind of it's own; the way you dance and sing with complete abandon; the way you want to follow the rules and want to smooth things over when we are mad at you; your braces, your squishy cheeks, your sweet freckly face; your endless appetite; your kind heart... the list goes on and on. I take your photo so I'll remember it all.

Adults spend a lot of time telling kids to "stop being silly". But, the word "silly" comes from the old English word "selig". It's literal definition is "to be blessed, happy, healthy and prosperous". That is what I want for you in this life, my dear. So I think I will start encouraging silliness, and not only that, I'm going to join in. Every chance I get.

I love you sweet boy, Mom

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