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Week 17: Me & The Elements

I had a hard time deciding which element to choose. I feel strongly connected to three of the elements. I am grounded like the earth. I'm calm and adaptable like water. The element I ended up choosing, though, is Air. Nothing can make me feel as alive as the wind on my face and in my hair.

On windy days, I watch the wind pushing against the trees, bending but not breaking the branches. Other times I watch as leaves float through the air with the wind, allowing the wind to take it on it's path. Some days I am like the trees, standing tall and steadfast against the winds of change. Other days I am like the leaves, giving up control and allowing the winds of change to take me on a journey.

“Close your eyes and turn your face into the wind. Feel it sweep along your skin in an invisible ocean of exultation. Suddenly, you know you are alive.” ― Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

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