Week 25 Theme: Leading To ME
This week let's explore leading lines in our self portraits. "Leading lines describes a photographic composition concept where natural and man-made lines, as well as suggested lines, are used to lead a viewer’s eyes around a photograph.
Natural leading lines are things such as rivers, tree tops, edges of flower patches, geese flying in formation, or even an alligator’s tail. Anything that creates a continuing line within your frame can be used as a leading line.
Manmade leading lines are lines that do not naturally occur in nature. Manmade lines can be things such as roads, power lines, rooftops, fences, rows of windows or doors, support structures for bridges, or the bridges themselves. As with natural lines, the composition of the line isn’t important as long as it creates a solid pathway for the eye to follow.
Suggested A suggested leading line is a broken line or an absent line that is strongly suggested by the positioning of items within the frame." (http://photography.about.com/od/compositioncategory/a/LeadingLinesPhotoLesson.htm)
Find some lines that lead us directly to beautiful you! Have a great week!