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First Friday Features: Paola Valli

When I was looking through self portraits on Flickr, trying to decide who to feature next, I was immediately drawn to Paola Valli's work. Paola is a freelance photographer based in Rome. Her self portraits are so natural, and devoid of gimmicks. I love the pureness of them, and her use of light is just stunning. Oh, and she is only 20 years old! So much talent at such a young age! To see more of her inspiring work...

You: The Person

1. How would your family and friends describe you? My mother’s description (my family): Shy, but curious. Insecure, but determined. My best friend’s description: Well she's a lot of things, weird, huh? but I'll try and describe her. I think she's really beautiful, she's so small and delicate I don't think it is weird to understand why people like her. She's probably one of the laziest people I've ever met but that's fine, that's who she is. She likes so many things, like she loves sunbathing and taking pictures and walking around in a park near her house. We usually love to meet and talk and gossip a little, drinking some red wine and eating chocolate. What I like the most about her is that she is a really good listener, I know I always have someone to rely on through difficult and happy periods of my life. Oh well she has such a bad memory! You tell her something one day and the day after she's already forgotten! She loves sleeping! She sleeps a lot, of course when she hasn't many things to do. One of the things that scares her the most is making a choice, and it is not important if she has to choose the person that will change the world or what kind of shoes she has to wear with that skirt, she will take literally ages to decide!! Well, I think she's a really good treasure in the lives of every single person she knows.

2. Are you married or single? Do you have any children? 2. I'm 20 years old, single, no children.

3. What makes you laugh? What makes you cry? So many things make me laugh, but the first thing I think about when I consider my happiness is my family and most important it is gathering around the table with them, we always laugh a lot! I usually cry when things aren't as I expected and when the people I love the most let me down.

4. What is your best physical feature? What is one that you would like to change? People say: my hair and my big eyes. I would change my nose, if I had the chance! I've always complained about it.

5. If you could change one thing about yourself or your life, what would it be? I'm happy of everything I have and how I am but most important who I am.

6. Where/How did you meet your closest friends? I have two best friends, they are both Francesca, funny isnt it? One of them, I call her Fra, I've known her my first day of school ever, 14 years ago! The other one, I call her "Frabis", I've met her two years ago we attended the same high school, different courses tho! We share everything about our lives.

7. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done? It is called "altavia" in Italy: a week among the mountains in the Dolomitis. It is usually something between me and good friends: and a bag of course!

8. What is the one thing about yourself that you are really proud of? I'm proud of myself, I'm proud because I'm doing what I love which is taking pictures. Sometimes I face difficulties, bad moments; sometimes I need to take a break, sometimes short sometimes longer but beside all, my passion never dies.

You: The Photographer

9. How did you become interested in photography? Well I started taking it seriously 4 years ago. I started to feel the need to take pictures, to show a part of me through my pictures and show them to the people I love the most. I want to capture moments!

10. If you’re in business, how long have you been in business, and what job did you have before becoming a photographer? Well right now I make photoboots, birthday parties and every kind of parties, and moms waiting for their babies, but this is just the beginning! I hope I can make out of my passion my work someday!

11. What camera/lenses/camera bag do you use? 've always used a Nikom D3000. I use a standard lens 18-55 mm and the 50mm. I love it.

12. Do you use Lightroom, Photoshop or both? I use Photoshop only.

13. Do you take pictures everyday? Not everyday. I take pictures when I feel the need to do it, I do it when I'm happy and when I wanna try something new.. I do it when I'm sad and I wanna let my feelings out creating something good!

14. What is your biggest struggle as a photographer? (I want to) do always the best and surprise myself.

15. How difficult would it be for you to go without screens (no phone/ iPad/ computer/ TV) for one week? One month? It would be really difficult. I spend a lot of time on Instagram, Facebook and Flickr, and I do it especially to look at other photographers and focus on their art and be inspired by their work.

16. How do you promote your photography? I don't think I'm good at letting others know my pictures, I think that's because I'm really shy. I try to publish my pictures the more I can on social networks.

17. Whose work are you most influenced or inspired by? I follow mostly women artists, they may be known or not. I love Emily Soto's pictures, she's a fashion photographer and I love how she uses the light and the colour.

18.. Have you done any personal projects? Is there anything new you are working on right now or plan to start soon? I've been working on a new project during these last months, it is actually my first project and it is called "Che fiore sei?" which means "what flower do you think you are?". This project is dedicated to every woman that wants to participate, every age and kind. It is a way to express yourelf by choosing a flower, which should represent who you are. Your choice and the expression of your person through this choice are captured in a picture. I hope I'll be able to organize my first exposition, once the project is over!

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