Week 29 Theme: ME & Food
Food. We shop for it. We prepare it. We eat it. We clean up after eating it. If we have children we spend A LOT of time dealing with food throughout our days! (My son is going to need to get a job soon to help out with all the food he eats!) Food is central to our gatherings, holidays, parties, get togethers, play dates, etc. I was just talking to someone recently about how much time (and money) we would all save if we could just take a pill that had all our necessary nutrients! But, then what would we do when we got together?! Eating is just such a big part of everything we do.
This week, let's take a photo of ourselves with food. It can be one item, or a whole meal. It can be just you, or your whole family. You can keep it fun and playful, or get vulnerable and talk about your relationship with food. This is your project, so just go where your heart leads you.