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Week 32: ME in Black & White (Member Photos)

Briar Marie - I'm in a rut. I'm not feeling inspired in my personal work. I'm stressed about my client work and being a good Mom and being a present Mom and being a good photographer and being a good business person and summer vacation and actually going on vacation and my husband working crazy long hours automatically giving me crazy long hours. I couldn't even think of anything to shoot and I LOVE black and white. I'm just blah. So I started daydreaming about some of the images that I've taken that I did love and I came back to the image of my baby and I (from above) while I carried him down the stairs. I thought about how the best images are the images that reflect something real even if I'm the only one that sees it. He still lets me carry him down the stairs but each time I know I'm closer to the inevitable 'last' time. I wonder if I'll know it when it happens. If I'll savor it or if it will just seem like another day at the time. Maybe it was today. Anyway, this isn't that, obviously. But a couple of days ago he took my face in his hands and told me he loved me and I suddenly remembered that he used to do that all the time, but he doesn't anymore. And I don't know when it stopped. So I asked him to do it again for me. I was lucky he was so happy to do it. Briar Marie Photography

Vivien Stembridge - Ugh. This project is really helping me to push myself. I hate pictures of myself. I like myself when I look in the mirror, but I really hate pictures of myself. I cringe seeing myself in photographs. This time was no different.

Emily Ingalls - I turn 35 years old today. Every year my birthday comes around, and I dread getting one year older. I feel like college was just last year. But with age comes confidence and acceptance of myself. I'm more comfortable with my body now than I ever was in my 20s. I've been thinking about doing a project this year called 'This is 35' and what better way to kick it off than with a daring self portrait of myself.

MacKenzie Gilliam - Breast is best. Until sometimes, it's not. I breastfed all of my kids. I failed everytime. Probably due to lack of support and education. However, Braxton came along ( my 4th) and I had both of those things. I was determined to make it work and it was happening! Then he wouldn't gain weight. His jaundice went away, his diapers were plenty.. all signs I was making enough. 1 month into his journey he fixed his tongue tie, thinking that would help tons! Still nothing. 2 months into our journey, he took his last bit of breastmilk, and had surgery for a feeding tube. That was 14 months ago, he still doesn't eat by mouth and he still doesn't gain weight. It was hard to accept. Breast is best, until sometimes it's not. When that happens, fed is best.

Elena Pendell - My oldest is 9 and the first thing she does every morning is hug me. She will hug me every time we part. She will hug me in front of a class full of peers. I joke all the time about how she'll be a teenager some day and won't want to hug me anymore. Until then, every time she hugs me I savor it and think of the quote I heard once... "When you are hugging someone you love, never be the first one to let go."

Lynette Davis - So after reading Jen Kashak's post for this theme, I decided it's time to call myself out - I need to stop being so critical of my work. That's not to say that I need to stop pushing myself or continuing to grow. Rather, I need to learn to judge my personal work more objectively. I really want to look first for the beauty I am trying to create rather than the "flaws". This really is a good focus for all things in life. I took this picture on Monday as a part of my Off Camera Flash class. It was #3 of the first set. Why did I wait to post it? Oh the light is off, not sure if I hit focus, not sure if the treatment is best etc. According to LR I have taken at least 200+ pictures of myself this week (my regular reluctant model started back to school). But this is the one that I keep coming back to for this weeks theme. This is me in black and white. It's called "Hesitancy". And now you know the whole story.

Emma Willich - I never appreciated my body until I had children. I have been trying to get back into running and working out. I let the excuses pile up about why I'm too busy and say maybe I'll run tomorrow. I'll get to the gym. Lately I feel like I'm either content loving myself the way I am or making excuses so that I don't take the time to care for my body the way it deserves. I wonder which one it's more of.

Meghan Nesom - 5 measly stitches to sew my skin back together; a little flesh wound;my soul on the other hand will take a lot more to repair.3 imaging scans,2 trips to interventional,1 OR visit later,it's back; the cancer is back, my heart hurts.All I can do is have faith.

Adriana Meixner - This summer has been a really fun one for my family. We've spent a lot of time outdoors enjoying the beautiful weather and the kids have gotten a chance to try a lot of new things such as swimming in a lake, roasting marshmallows, their first campfire, and riding on a paddle board with mommy, to name a few. All this excitement has left little time for rest, for me that is, and sometimes I crave a little quiet time where I can get lost in my thoughts and let my mind wander. Today I took the day off work (last minute decision) and me and the hubs dropped the kids off at daycare and went to spend the afternoon at a friend's cottage by the lake. It was just what the doctor ordered...a little reprieve from the city pace and a quiet moment that I was longing and needing. Blessed to be able to sit on the dock alone enjoying a beautiful view...ahhh.

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