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Week 36: Wildcard 2 (Member Photos)

Loren Haar - I have been working out again and my hair finally grew back enough that my hairdresser could actually style it, so I'm feeling pretty good, pretty back to "normal." I shot my first wedding about a month ago and today I got to shoot two more! So since I was still wearing my shooting clothes and had styled my hair and put on makeup, I thought I'd pose myself -- since I spent all day struggling to pose others. It really is an art.

Kortney Fox - I am in the same boat as many of you in this group. My babies are growing up. I know it isn't something that can be stopped, but I sure can try my best to freeze these moments to relive them later. That is what originally got me started on my photography journey and what the purpose of my new business is. To capture the real life moments. My son is a year and a half. He is as tall now as his sister was when she was 2! It is hard to believe that pretty soon he will be out of a crib and in a big boy bed (since he has decided to start trying to climb out). Every time he wakes up and I pick him up from his crib, we head for the couch for some quiet snuggles before he is ready to play. With his blanket and lions in hand, we head down the hallway. Somehow he manages to "drop" his rainbow lion every.single.time. Then he laughs as I use my toes to pick it up. This phase won't last long. One day he won't need me to pick him up out of his bed, he won't want to snuggle on the couch, and there will be no more toys for me to grab with me toes. So for now, I will soak up this moment for as long as I can, no matter how many times he purposely drops that lion!

Jen Brown - Working out at home with my youngest. I usually go to a boot camp but maybe adding in more home workouts would be a nice change from working out at 5am!

Trish Reschly - Me and the Changing Seasons At age 42 I may very be holding our last babe in arms. Like wrapping up in your favorite sweater as the cool weather is embarking to bring in the fall, I wrap myself in the warmth of the season to come. Teenagers, weddings, grandbabies. Hoping to pour into our marriage and children what we will need for our next season now; while attempting to savor the present one. It is bittersweet. I hope to still we may have one more baby, it is what we always say. For now I will savor our present season, as I teeter on the edge of the next expectantly...

Sofia Di Trapani - Raw Me I'm wearing no makeup, no photoshop retouch, no fancy clothes. Just me in B&W. I'm on my early 30's and finally learning to accept myself. When people, the media or my internal voice talks to me about my weight, I remember the one who loves me. His love covers my multitude of flaws.

Emily Ingalls - ME & Goals I set out on a journey one year ago. I went back to training in Tae Kwon Do. Something I hadn't done in 15 years. It was a struggle at first getting my body used to doing something it hadn't done since I was a teenager. Then I set a goal to test for my next belt in a year. Two weeks ago, I tested and passed my 3rd Degree Black Belt examine after a grueling 6 1/2 hr test. I finally received my belt this past Sunday! Never give up on something you love just because time has gotten away from you.If you can't get it off your mind, that means you're supposed to be doing it. I never mentally left the sport even though I didn't actively train. I'm proud of myself for doing something most wouldn't do. If I'm not too old, then neither are you!

Tina Huba - This has been a very difficult, hurtful and tiring week. All I really wanted to do was crawl into a ravine and remain unseen. Then I thought if there was something that would feel freeing or give release this week what would it be? Dancing in the woods was all that came to mind. So I did.

Kalen DeRoo - On the eve of 9.11, there is a lot that is weighing heavy on my heart. I don't come from an overly patriotic family. My father was still living in the 60's well into the 90's and my mom, although extremely respectful of all sides of the political spectrum, used the American Flag as a primitive decoration in our home more than a symbol of freedom. My grandfather and uncle served in the Army, but it was never discussed at family get togethers. When my husband decided to join the Navy 5 years ago, I was scared. I was clueless. I only ever seemed to hear the horror stories of fallen soldiers. I feared for his life and our future as a military family. I wasn't prepared for this life, but, he was a police officer at the time, making pennies & unable to get insurance. We wanted to start a family, so we knew we needed a new start. Five years later and it seems the tables have turned. He always talks about going back into police work, but I'm terrified of what would happen if he did. The world has changed so much in 5 years. I have found my little niche in military life. I can't imagine it any other way. As a Navy wife, I now know what that flag symbolizes & my heart is heavy for all of those lives that were lost in 9.11 and all of the soldiers/sailors who have fought for our freedom!!

Jenn Russell - I haven't posted in quite some time. It's been quite a year, I've graduated with my MSW, started a new job, moved to a new state, bought a new house.. and while all of this is awesome, it's so incredibly stressful. I didn't pick up my camera ONCE in August and my heart hurts because of that. Time escapes me too often, there hasn't been a moment of quiet in weeks (which eats away at my introverted soul). We're finally getting more settled in allowing me time to reflect and today is the first day I've taken a real photo of myself in months. I'm not fully ready to come out of hiding just yet but I am ready to dust off my camera again.

Melissa Vaughan - Me and my body. I'm learning to appreciate and love this strong body of mine. It has birthed and fed two children, gotten me through law school and countless yoga classes, not to mention propelling me through my daily life, every day. I have never had any major illnesses or problems and am posting this photo to honor this body of mine.

Christine Wright - I just randomly thought of this door today and decided it may be interesting to make a picture in front of it. The weather here has been rainy, cold, and dreary for the past week. The foreshadowing of autumn. September has always been a month that brings a mix of emotions for me: when I was young there was excitement for my birthday (now I don't care :P ), sadness because summer was rolling to an end mixing with looking forward to the beautiful changing leaves, brisk air, and warm sun of fall days, a blend of excitement and nervousness for the new school year (once for myself, now for my children), and, most overwhelming, dread for the upcoming winter (my most loathed season). With all the rain lately and the cool nights and sweater-wearing days, I've been slowly steeling my mind against the cold and snow that's to come. The blue of the old shed door seemed to suit my rainy day mood.

Kathryn Bonorchis - The last 2 weeks have kicked my butt, between my baby (and then me) getting sick, work being nuts and not getting nearly enough sleep. So I took this photo Friday morning, in my office, in a pocket of hard light. I think I look pretty pissed in this photo which actually makes me laugh because I'm usually happy or at least content, but I had reached my max by Friday!

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