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Week 38: ME & Books (Member Photos)

Jessica McDonold - The only books I ever read anymore are kids books, I used to love to read but I just don't have time for that any more! This is not a kids book but one that is collecting dust on my shelves.

Trish Reschly - This top on my favorite things to do with to our children. My love for books and reading naturally spilled over to reading aloud to the children. And boy, did our oldest get to hear some hefty works as a babe! I love imparting truth, right and inspiration to the children through a good book.Nowadays, I have the great pleasure and honor of reading the writings of my own children with them. Here I am reading a huge chronicle of a fictitious family based...loosely.., or perhaps too tightly, on our own family. My eldest daughter has been writing this for a few years now. Her fiction is about the only that I read. It makes me laugh and cry like no other author can. I love it and love that she shares her writing with us.And this images captures everyone's personality during reading time perfectly! Oh, I had to laugh. Sweetness, Mr. Ham that looks like he doesn't hear a thing, but can repeat every detail, Peekaboo hiding his giggles, Miss Author herself and baby...well, unless she's sleeping or nursing, she is crying. Then there's me... enjoying this time that a good book affords to deepen our bonds and lead us in a better way.

Coleen Hodges - Rainy days are for books, dark beer and snuggles.

Briar Marie - www.briarmariephotography.comI debated a million ways to do this. I LOVE reading, but I don't do it much for myself anymore. That's okay, I love reading kids books too! When I read for myself, it's before bed and I choose horror or mystery or crime or supernatural. Dean Koontz (especially Odd Thomas series), Agatha Christie, Dan Brown, George R R Martin, Tom Clancy, Michael Crichton. But occasionally I stumble on non-fiction and am always surprised at how much I love that too. Biographies about George Washington, or Unbreakable (HOLY MIND BLOWING!!!) or true Wild West stories. And then I also love teen books. Yes, Harry Potter, Twilight, The Hunger Games, Divergent, Shannon Hale's The Goose Girl is THE BEST!!! Oh man I need a book!

Jenny Parker - My husband is a lover of books, and a lover of all things nutrition, healthy living and exercise. Every week, we get boxes from amazon, often full of books which get stacked all over the the kitchen, in the bedroom, in the bathroom (ick!). I find myself constantly looking for a place for them in the overflowing bookshelf.

Elena Pendell- When we moved into this house three years ago, we decided to turn the little office into our bedroom. The location fit our needs while our kids are young and we're not fancy. I love being surrounded by books and it's my favorite place to hide and read.

Melissa Vaughan - This is me reading a current selection and I thought the title was appropriate.

Sofia DiTrapani - This Bible is about 15 years old and is written in Spanish. I've never actually read it in order. But, I used to read it every night. Inside, it looks like a rainbow. I underlined every verse that spoke to me. I recently found it and when I opened it, I read one of the underlined verses. It just gave me so much peace about a specific situation I was going through. Nowadays, the only time I read the Bible is when I put my son to bed. We read a really nice children's Bible that focuses on God's grace. I do want to get back in the habit of reading my own Spanish Bible again. It has better news than my newsfeed.

Wendi Matt - I love to read and I spend a lot of time reading "self help" type books such as Marianne Williamson, Brene Brown, etc. I journal a lot and work hard on being a better person which is what I wanted to reflect in this self portrait. I also wanted to show that some of that is motivated by me trying to be a better mom which is really hard. Kids are hard. And so the clothes, the playroom are my true reality, the books and journal are my quest to be better, the dappled light representing the notion of having to try to combine the two worlds of loud kids and quiet moments so that our family can find happiness in the midst of chaos.

Tricia Machel - Everyone in our household loves to read. And I am so very thankful for that! I may not have nearly as much time to read on my own as I would like, but I do have some opportunities during the day to read to my daughters. My youngest has reactive airways (similar to asthma) and needs breathing treatments twice a day. So, we take advantage of those few minutes while we're stuck in a rocking chair for the treatments, and we read. We may read the same book several times, or we may mix it up a little. Either way, it makes those times much more enjoyable for us all, it transforms the mundane minutes into such special moments with my little girl (and any other daughter that may decide to join us), and it helps encourage an increasing love for learning in our family. I have read "Do Cows Meow?" so many times the past several days (it's my toddler's current favorite), and for the reasons I just mentioned, I will gladly read it to her again and again. It makes her smile, so it makes me smile, too.

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