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Week 42: Simply ME

I think this might have been the hardest week for me yet! I wanted to take a photo, just of my face, that 1. Let my personality shine through, 2. Made me feel pretty, (or at least didn't make me want to curse and throw things), and 3. I would be comfortable doing very little editing to, if any. That was a tall order, let me tell you! After 41 weeks of taking self portraits, you would think that I would finally be able to look at myself without being critical, without listing in my head all the things I wish I could change. This project has definitely helped, but if I'm being honest, it is something I guess I will continue to work on.

I'm cheating, and posting two shots. The first probably captures ME the most. This is the person you would see if you sat across from me for a chat.

The second shot was the one I felt the most pretty in (I took WAY too many shots to achieve this goal!).

I came across this quote... "At bottom every man knows well enough that he is a unique being, only once on this earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as he is, ever be put together a second time". ~Friedrich Nietzsche

If only we could all truly feel and believe that deep in our souls, right?

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