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Week 46: What Makes ME Happy (Member Photos)

Cai Vail - A lazy morning at home with my boy...still rocking the pajamas and bedhead, when I have to put the laundry away in his room (I balanced the camera in the laundry basket full of clothes for this picture ;) ) and he 'helps' and it takes 10x as long but is 100x more fun. This kid and his love for me. Hearing him and his dad singing "The Wheels on the Bus" in the other room. Watching him beam after figuring out a puzzle for the first time, or playing catch with a big kid on the playground. His little gap teeth. The explosive laughter that bursts out when I catch him in a surprise tickle session. As much as I love to create, to commune, to eat, to relax, all that...this is my happy place, my moments with him when it's just us and there's nothing else that matters right then but being together.

Elena Pendell - Photos with my children make me happy (even if one didn't want to join the fun) but matching Christmas jammies makes me ridiculously happy. This is the first year where my son remembers what Christmas is like and is able to anticipate it. Every time he sees something he wants, he begs me to call Santa. He has no idea that it is still so far away from now. When I look at these pajamas, I can see Christmas morning and feel the excitement that only children bring to that day.

Adriana Meixner - Not going to lie, these days some quiet time with a cup of coffee in my hand makes me so giddy...even if it means I have to sit all alone in my parked car just to get it, lol!

MacKenzie Gilliam - This is far from perfect rule wise. However this is so perfect.I ts so crooked, my son is shaking his butt to the camera, my younger son is have a fit. My youngest daughter is holding berries that are probably poison. It is just life, and I'm just embracing it with a smile on my face.

Sara Lowing-Wright - What makes me happy? Being in nature! I live in Portland, Oregon. The city is lovely, but getting out of the city and being in nature is when I am my happiest. Luckily I don't have to travel far to fulfill this need!

Briar Marie - It makes me happy to set aside my to-do list and ask the kids what they want to do. Tonight they picked a dance party. Which is almost impossible to photograph because of the super low light and no one being in the same plane and so much wild movement. And bouncing around to Taylor Swift and Bruno Mars and Justin Timberlake and countless others with my babies really makes me happy. Sometimes we even get Daddy to join us in a little Gangnam Style. No joke. It's hilarious. All of us.

Jennifer L. Bruce - There are a number of things, actually. Like that moment you realize that your kid probably has a better future in stand up comedy than college, but you're laughing so hard that you don't care. Or when the waiter comments that your daughter really loves her sister - who is actually our little friend, but don't try and tell Somerley that! Reading, travel, photography, movies... all those things make me happy. But what makes me the happiest is having a family to share all those things with.

So here we are. Me, Hubby, Daughter, and Sister, braving the subzero temps so Mommy can get a quick snap for something else that makes her happy: The ME Project.

Heather Palmer - Believe it or not this is my first share although I have been following along all year and have loved seeing the amazing talent in this group. My baby is 6 months old now, we moved into a new home in a new state only 3 weeks after she was born and I am just starting to feel settled again. Being settled makes me happy!

I picked this photo because it's these moments where I am together with my husband and 4 kiddos and able to put aside all of the "things" that fight for my attention and really spend time with them that I feel happy. This night was one of those where I really enjoyed a moment, an evening without electronics or a house project but rather an evening enjoyed together around the fire. This photo shows each one of my kids and moments from our evening together perfectly: my son so excited that he finally roasted the perfect mallow, my oldest daughter so obsessed with her new flashlight that she couldn't wait until dark to turn it on, my 3 year olds serious face as she told scary stories and my baby discovering sugar for the first time.

Kortney Fox - A Relaxing Saturday Morning! It is not very often that the two of us get to sit on the couch for some nice morning snuggles. We always have something going on, but this morning is our first cold morning so we have been having trouble getting motivated! We decided our time would be much better spent snuggling under a blanket while the littles played around us. It wasn't long before my middle decided that she was done playing with her siblings and wanted a jam session with daddy. So, I stole a quick kiss before she stole daddy away. At least we got a few short minutes!

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