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Week 49 Theme: "ME in Public / Me & Strangers"

Okay, it is time for a challenge! Because this is so tough, I'm giving you a choice. You can either take a photo of yourself in a public place, OR give yourself an even bigger challenge and take a photo of yourself in a public place WITH a stranger or strangers. Shudder! I know! I know! Crazy, right? You'd be surprised what people will do if you tell them "I'm doing this project and we're supposed to..." (Like the time I went into a pet store and talked the owner into putting water and a goldfish into a fish bowl, and letting me set it up in the store and take photos of it... without even buying anything!) This is the week to face your fears. You can do it! I have faith in you.

*Even though those of us who started back in January are coming to the end of our 52 weeks, anyone can still join in. Even if you only take ONE self portrait this year, I will consider it a success. Each photo with you in it is one more than you had before!! Head over to our private Facebook page and ask to join. Or, if you just want to follow along for inspiration, you can follow the project on Instagram @jenkashak

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