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Week 52: My Accomplishment (Member Photos)

**Well, this is it. The final post of The ME Project's first year. I have to say a few things to everyone who participated this year. You really don't know how proud it made me, every time I saw a member post a new Facebook photo profile that they took for this project. A photo with them in it, that maybe wouldn't have existed without this project. How proud I was every time a member took a risk, tried something new, shared their vulnerable selves, encouraged each other, and shared countless acts of kindness toward the other members and myself. I created this project and this space that allowed us to feel safe enough to get in the frame and be vulnerable, but all of YOU are what made this project so incredibly special. As I saw each of the final images this week, and read the words accompanying them, I had tears in my eyes and overwhelming pride in my heart. I also had hope and excitement that the progress we made this year, on ourselves, our work, and the realization of our true beauty will continue on into 2017 and beyond. Whether or not you plan on continuing with The ME Project or starting the Thankful Heart Project (over at, I wish you all so much success and happiness in the future. Whether you posted once, or all 52 weeks, each of you brought something unique to this project. From the bottom of my heart... Thank You.**

Jen Kashak

Jen Ostler - In week one, you saw me snowshoeing away from the camera. I spoke of my depression, my weight gain, my search for myself. I don't know exactly how it happened; maybe it was the antidepressants (that I had just begun as this project began), or my husband's support, or my discovery of a clothing brand that makes me feel comfortable in clothing again.... but really I think this project had a HUGE part in me accepting myself, and loving myself again. It took me all year; just last month while I was away visiting family I just suddenly realized that I was okay. I was okay with my weight, my lifestyle, everything. I no longer care what people think. I'm HAPPY. So here I am, facing the camera, and facing the new year with excitement and confidence.

Thanks everyone who cheered me on and lifted me up for this year. You have no idea how much you've helped. And THANK YOU Jen Kashak for creating this project; and Jennifer L. Bruce for adding me, encouraging me, and becoming my friend through these moments we've shared. Seriously guys, with tears in my eyes, I love ya!

Kortney Fox - For me, this project is not ending. Even though the last day of this year is tonight and the last of weekly submissions for this project is tonight, it is only the beginning of another amazing year's worth of stories to capture. Therefore, I did not take a "final" image. This image is just an intro into the milestones and events that will be going on over the next 365 days.

I am all about documenting REAL LIFE, I just never thought about how important it would be to document these moments with ME IN THEM until I started this project. I know I have said this time and time again, but this project has done more for me than I ever imagined. The support behind everyone here is like no other. Though we have never met in person, I feel like you are some of the best friends that I have ever had. Thank you, you wonderful, beautiful souls.

In the beginning of the year my goal was to focus more on doing something for myself. At the time I thought it would be time spent with my horse, but little did I know, this project, right here, turned into the activity that I NEEDED to do for myself every.single.week.

I made it to the end, though this is only the beginning. I am now putting myself in front of the camera even when it is not for this project, I have more confidence in myself than before, I started a business I only ever dreamed of starting, and it's all thanks to this project forcing me to get in front of the camera.

I never thought about capturing this moment with my daughters and I knew I just NEEDED this part of my everyday life to be documented. My son started his first day of potty training today and by the end of the night he was peeing on the potty just like a big boy. It is a hard task that needs to be done, needs to be remembered, and needs to be celebrated. So tonight, I am sharing this accomplishment with my son, because let's face it, its a hard task for BOTH of us! Happy New Year everyone!!! May your year be showered with rainbow confetti and glitter (not tinkle sprinkles like I've experienced today)!

MacKenzie Gilliam - I started this project with my cell phone, knowing I was going to be buying a camera soon. I purchased my first DSLR and worked my butt off. My confidence level since then has soared. Taking 52 pictures of my self this year (plus more) has helped me in ways I cant even imagine! I would never imagine taking my camera outside, let alone to a store where people could see me. I wanted to, but I was afraid of what people would think. I ended this year, taking my camera in the ambulance with my son as he was transferred to another hospital. In an emergency situation that wouldn't happen of course, however since it was a transfer I figured it was okay. AND I ROCKED IT. The emt's were fascinated and totally loved having a photographer riding with them.

Briar Marie - I did it! Well, sort of: I joined in week 8 and started participating in week 9 but I haven't missed a week since I started. During week 16 the theme was "Second Chance" so I took that opportunity to do the first 8 weeks that I had missed. My first 8 weeks weren't the first 8 weeks of the year though so even though everyone says it counts, I haven't really been doing this for 52 weeks like some of you dedicated ladies. But don't get me wrong, I do feel proud and accomplished! I worked hard and I have so much more than 52 self portraits. Actually I have accomplished so much more than the 154 self portraits you see here. I took even more than I fit into this collage, and I got even more from this project than a record of my existence which I wanted so much more than I even realized. I am not only able to take a self portrait, I am genuinely comfortable with it. Well, if I'm honest, not with looking into the camera lens, but with the process of documenting myself naturally. I don't even think about it anymore. Last week when I opened Lightroom I realized that I had actually taken 5 different sets of possible self portraits to submit. And even more amusing... I actually hadn't taken a single image all week WITHOUT me in it. Bahaha! I mean, it did make me laugh, but then it also made me feel proud because I took all those self portraits and it didn't feel like a job. It didn't feel like a thing I had to work on and overcome. It just felt like a regular week. It just felt like life. So the real accomplishment of this project for me is that I am now an integral part of our family's photographic record and it's not painful. And it's not even a project. It's just life. Thank you, ladies! The photographic record and comfort is the accomplishment, but the best part of the project was definitely meeting and sharing this experience with all of you. It has meant so much to me.

Lynette Davis - 48 and my last 2016 Me Project Post. There is so much to be thankful for as I say goodbye to 47 and 2016. This group is at the top of that list. I will miss you all. But as I said before, this is not the end. I will find you and check on you and hopefully join you again soon. Here's one of my birthday self-portraits. What was my wish? Only that I remember how happy I am right now, so when not so great things happen, I will have something to hold on too. That is my wish for all of us in 2017 to hold on to your happy place and those in it and never let go. Happy New Year!! xoxo

Jenny Parker - I started this project on week 3 because some lovely ladies I knew were also doing it. I needed something to get me in the frame with my son on a regular basis. What it turned into was a really just a project for ME (go figure with the name of the group, right?)! but I decided this last week to make sure I got my son in the frame too. We have been through a lot of changes this year, and he has been a trooper. Thanks for all the encouragement this year ladies, it has been wonderful!!

Manjula Manjeti - When I started this project I was skeptical and wasn't sure how comfortable I would be taking pictures of myself and then sharing with the group. With every picture I took, it just got so much more comfortable, especially because of all you wonderful ladies who were always there to encourage and say the kindest of things. Before I knew it, getting in front of the camera just got a little easier. As 2016 comes to an end, here is me, hoping I am able to turn the hour glass around and accomplish and enjoy yet another year of personal and professional goals. I also want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for being there through every step of the way. Thank you girls. Hope you have the best of 2017. Do keep in touch, even if you are not a part of this group. Love you all!

Jennifer L. Bruce - At the beginning of the year, I was recovering from spine surgery. I spent the holidays in a recliner. I healed slowly, and moved onto the next challenge...and the next. Over the course of 2016, I learned how to adapt to a titanium plate in my neck, cut off my once-long hair after much of it fell out, was diagnosed with autoimmune liver disease, battled a string of illnesses brought on by taking immune suppressing drugs, broke my toe, watched my beloved dog die, and gained back much of the weight I had worked hard to lose over the previous year. My husband was gone for four months in the spring and fall, so I went through much of that alone.

But I also survived. No, I did more than than. I taught myself Lightroom. I improved my photography enough to finally get paid for two shoots. I color my hair back to the brown it used to be. I found the right medicines to help my liver and preserve my immune system. I found a wonderful trainer to help me teach the new dog we added to our family. I took care of my amazing daughter. And this winter, I am finally back on my snow machine, tight pants and all.

After 52 weeks of putting myself in front of the lens, my biggest accomplishment is ME. And that's pretty damn good.

Thank you, Jen Kashak, for all that you have inspired me to be.

Loren Haar - I just happened to notice ---- 253 members in this group!!! What a long way we have come from Jan 2016. I wanted to do an image for this last theme that was really about putting this past year to bed. Unfortunately, I really didn't have the time or the energy to plan a great concept let alone execute it, but tonight, as I started to clean up the remnants of last night's festivities -- that somehow spent the entire day not getting cleaned up! --I thought I'd take a shot of me, just as I am, about to take down the sign that marks the end of last and the beginning of what I hope will be a fantastic new year. It has to be. The last two have been full of struggle, confusion, painful growth, scary prospects, and really just getting by. My husband and I have been talking a lot about making our moments together meaningful and I am hopeful for that, and so full of gratitude for all that we have. Tired of feeling sorry for myself -- ready to move forward! Jen Kashak, don't I sound perfectly primed for the Thankful Heart project?? -- it's like you are reading my mind all over again, as you did last Jan. when you contacted me about this project. A huge, loving, heartfelt THANK YOU to you, Jen, and to all 253 of you for making this project a success. 253, that's a lot! Let's get on board for the new Me Project in 2017.

Elena Pendell - When I look back on all the self portraits I took this year (and I didn't miss a week!!) I feel proud. Proud that I did it and amazed at how quickly I can set up the tripod, find the remote and properly focus now. As you all know, the ME project was so much more. It was a safe place where women lifted each other up. Thank you all for being on this journey with me and a million thanks to Jen for leading us.

Roxanne Van Gundy - Finishing out the worst year of my life, I leave it feeling strong. I feel like just getting to this point is an accomplishment in its self. I've tried this year to do things outside of my comfort zone and to try to push myself to make it through some very dark times.

I can say, honestly that right now I'm really happy. I'm hopeful for 2017. I'd like to go home this year, but I'm not sure that will happen. But I've made some other good goals and I hope I can achieve them.

So here I am, Week 52, looking at the crazy Christmas lights at our local zoo. Wearing actual pants! That's an accomplishment in itself this week. Lol.

I've been blessed to get to know some of you ladies. Thanks for having me.

Tausha Coates - I wasn't gong to let this week pass me by without another round of self portraits! I am so proud of the pictures I got with myself in the frame this year. I am especially proud of the ones of me with my kids, as that was my real goal. I also have to say... I'm having so much fun with my new smudge-proof/water-proof lip color! White sheets, red lips and no worries. I love this group, this has been an amazing place to be! A very genuine and special thanks to Jen for her devotion and care to this thoughtful project. It is such a sweet reward to have so many meaningful photos this year. And well done to all those who completed so many weeks! Happy New Year everyone.

Teresa Jackson - Today, I bought some tools to help me stay focused mentally for 2017 and to help me with the Thankful Heart and Me projects. So my accomplishment is getting my new lens, learning how to use my remote (although I'm still trying to figure out how to focus when I'm not in the pic at set up) and returning the Christmas present I got to buy journals and watercolor crayons. I have so much to learn, but at least I have the right tools now to get my camera and soul started for the next year's project!

Julie Layman - I didn't even plan on this being the shot I would use but as I was laying in the leaves with my son and the warm sun on our faces it seemed way too perfect to pass up! Roman who is 3 and a half is my world... my WILD man ... yet today even he stopped and was just STILL with me. I laid next to him wondering what his thoughts were. I myself felt content. Something I don't feel often as I am always worrying about if I'm being the Mom I NEED to be, the partner I NEED to be, friend, daughter, sister... the list goes on and on. I know who I WANT to be but that's not always the same as who I need to be. I vow to listen this year. To take time out to lay in the leaves, to make a point to just be alone with my thoughts and to learn how to say no. Seems like such an easy new year's resolutions yet for me it's very daunting. Here's to 2017! Cheers to you beautiful ladies.

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