Week 19: ME & Multiplicity (Member Photos)
"Each human being is a multiplicity of miracles" - Thich Nhat Hanh Manjula Prabhu - Me - A Wife, A Mom, A Photographer, A Playmate for my...

Week 19: ME & Multiplicity
I've been thinking a lot about kindness this week, or the lack thereof. My son has been having some trouble with friends not treating...

Week 18: Motherhood & ME (Member Photos)
I often hear people say, "I'm JUST a Mom". That is a crazy statement to me. A mother is not "JUST" anything. She is a Personal...

Week 18 : Motherhood & ME
*Things are going to be a bit different this week, due to Mother's Day. I will post the new theme tomorrow morning, and member photos...

First Friday Features: Delissa McWilliams
I am doing something new for this month's First Friday Feature. I am featuring a self portrait artist! I just recently came across...

Week 17: Me & The Elements (Member Photos)
“Everybody has a little bit of the sun and moon in them. Everybody has a little bit of man, woman, and animal in them. Darks and lights...

Week 17: Me & The Elements
I had a hard time deciding which element to choose. I feel strongly connected to three of the elements. I am grounded like the earth. ...

Week 16: My Second Chance (Member Photos)
This week was all about second chances. If we had an idea for one of the past 15 weeks that didn't work out the way we hoped, or if we...

Week 14: Silly ME (Member Photos)
Being silly on command is no easy task! Kind of like when I'm taking a photo of my son, and he says "Mom! Make me laugh!" Oh, the...
Week 15 Theme: "My Dreams"
For this theme, you can be literal and take a photo of you daydreaming or sleeping, or you can take a photo that illustrates your dreams....